Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sherlock is actually pretty cool.

            I’ve come to terms with myself, and I actually enjoy Sherlock Holmes more than I expected. Throughout the first couple paragraphs I couldn’t get into it, but as the crimes came along it got interesting for me. The stories are fairly understandable and captivating. I was never introduced to Holmes in high school and I’m not sure why. I think teachers should teach about him in school, so that way students have some background knowledge and understanding of who he is, but I’m pretty sure most people know that he’s a detective.

            I know a lot of people that find Sherlock Holmes kind of quirky, which is true, but I feel that his characteristics is what makes it interesting. Watson of course is included in that as well. I’ve always been interested in crime shows and the suspense part of movies. I’m pretty sure that’s why I enjoy Holmes so much. Not only is it interesting, but it makes me sit at the edge of my seat because I want to know what is going to happen next. In The Dancing Men I wanted to know what the words spelled out. It was cool to see the techniques/knowledge he used to unscramble the words and what it meant.

            The board game Clue reminds of Sherlock Holmes a lot. I’ve also never seen any of the movies or shows either. I was pretty excited when I saw that we get to watch an episode of Sherlock. I think the show will be even more interesting than the readings because you actually get to see how he is solving the crimes rather than reading about them. Watching something is so much more amusing than reading about it because then you can see facial expressions and identify the characters easily. At times I would catch myself not knowing the clues they were giving out, but that’s why I would think it would be easier to interpret the clues if you’re watching it because of the tone in their voices and their body language. I have always imagined Sherlock like this when I was reading the stories. He seems like the type of detective to smoke out of a pipe. 

            Overall, I enjoy Sherlock Holmes and hope to keep liking the stories and eventually like the shows and movies. I’m also hoping to be so interested in the show that I can just watch it on my own without having to be assigned to do so. Many people say they enjoy the Sherlock episodes.


  1. I was never introduced to Sherlock in high school either! Maybe some schools just don't find it important to teach?

    I enjoy the quirks Sherlock has as well because it makes him an interesting character to read about. If he was just a normal detective, I feel that it would take away the thing that makes the stories feel special.

  2. I had the opposite experience. I was excited to try reading Sherlock Holmes, but I just could not get into it. I think if I viewed a movie or adaptation, I might get into it a bit more. Nice post.

  3. Great post. I was also never introduced to Sherlock in middle or high school. I think it is interesting how schools find books like Romeo and Juliet important and not Sherlock. I wonder why that is.. I also enjoyed reading Sherlock and think it should be included in more curriculums.
