Sunday, February 12, 2017

West Side Story

           I honestly found West Side Story to be annoying and not enjoyable. At first all the characters weren’t speaking and I cannot stand when I’m watching something and words aren’t coming out of anyone’s mouth. I really couldn’t get into the movie at all. I didn’t mind the singing, but the dancing does get old after awhile. The music was obnoxious too. Why must the trumpets be so loud? The music distracted me from actually paying attention to what was going on. There were just so many unnecessary instruments and music. I thought it was funny that when they fought they expressed it through danced, so it looked like everyone was flying all over the place.
            My favorite character would have to be Tony. He’s my favorite because he actually tried to stop the fight between the Jets and the Sharks. By the way, those are the worst names for a gang. In the movie, “Bring It On: In It to Win It” those were the names of the cheer teams. I hate how Anita is so against Maria and Tony being together! I actually like them together. Anita should accept the fact that Maria and Tony are “in love”. I put that in quotations because they fell in love within the first few seconds of only meeting each other, which is ridiculous. Aka Romeo and Juliet.  I feel as if Anita blames Maria for the death of Bernardo because she was messing around Tony.
            Everything is so overdramatic and extra for no reason. The plot was okay overall, but I didn’t see the part coming where Bernardo was stabbed. I knew that Maria was going to be heartbroken. Especially since she had sent Tony to try and convince the Jets and Sharks not to fight.  I thought it was funny where the male Jets where singing (arguing) with the females because they liked America so much. It’s also kind of funny because Puerto Rico is apart of the Unites States now.

            I understand that Bernardo was just trying to protect Maria, but he was being annoying at times. Maria obviously didn’t care what he had to say because she ended up hooking up with a Jet anyway. Overall, I enjoyed the love story part of the musical, but I felt as if there were unnecessary parts that could have easily been removed. Like the part where they didn’t speak for ten-fifteen minutes in the beginning of the musical.

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