Friday, May 12, 2017

2/13 West Side Story

I don't know what to say except that I did not like this movie and it was waaaay too damn long. This is definitely an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet though. All the death. All the dramatics.
All the DANCING! Seriously, give these kids an award for the dancing.
I honestly can't though. just the sheer amount of drama makes my head hurt. The fact that Anita blames Maria for Bernardo's death (if I'm remembering this correctly) is just asinine. Maria is Bernardo's sister. Show some respect and compassion for the girl who just lost family. Yes, love was involved, but it's not like Maria woke up that day and was like, "Hey, you know what? Today seems like a great day to have my brother killed."
I can't.

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