Sunday, March 19, 2017

No zombies this time

So, I have never actually seen or read Pride & Prejudice, and really don’t know what it is all about at all. The main think I know is that it is set in England around the 1800’s, but that’s where the extent of my knowledge on this subject is. I was going in pretty much completely blind.

As suggested, I started with the 2005 movie version of the story, and I noticed that it’s pretty much the original love story, with Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy having an ever-changing connection, and always being forced to interact with each other in some kind of way. I feel like Elizabeth never really liked Mr. Darcy that much, obviously different at the end. It seems like they have this almost school ground admiration for one another, always butting heads, but you know that they really do like each other.          

I don’t know how I feel about Mr. Darcy, first off having the name Fitzwilliam docks you a few points right off the bat. He just comes off as an arrogant guy, being he is wealthy and he definitely knows that he is entitled. He bad mouths a lot of people behind their back, or acting like he didn’t know that they were even there. His arrogant nature it what puts off Elizabeth from him, which is completely justified because he does act like a prick. That’s why I think their relationship is so intriguing and interesting because Elizabeth knows that he acts like an ass and takes a very long time to come around and ends up seeing the good in him somehow.

This story is what I’ve noticed to be the main archetype for so many modern love stories and dramas. There’s some type of either distain between to characters at the start and they end up finding what they like about each other after a while. There is also always the guy who thinks he is better than everyone else, or has some type of feeling of superiority. The two “lovers” don’t see eye to eye in the beginning but always somehow magically get matched up together, ultimately figuring out how to work out their distaste for one another. It’s pretty much the setup of a majority of modern rom-coms that feature any sort of conflict between the main two lovers, it’s just such a cliché, but obviously, this was the first.

I’m pretty excited to continue with the other types of this story and to see how, if at all, they change the characters, settings or love interests throughout the different versions.


  1. Grayson, unlike you, and against Dr. MB's wishes I did not watch a movie to start and instead, immediately dove into reading the novel. I wish I was as good of a listener as you, because going in blind I had no idea who was who, and who was a significant character. All the daughters mushed together in my mind for at least the first few chapters, but now I think I have it all sorted!
    I agree with you when you say this story is a "main archetype for so many modern love stories". P&P is no different than Romeo and Juliet in that regard. I also enjoyed your comment about Mr, Darcy's name...don't all rich assholes come with a pretentious name?
    Great Post!

  2. i should have watched the movie before i read as well. I didn't really think it would interest me as well as it did.
    I agree, with a name like Fitzwilliam you automatically come off as a rich man. Like in the TV Show pretty Little Liars, the teacher Mr. Fitz fits the role of a wealthy man.

  3. Great analysis of the characters. I think that I am going to begin to watch the movie so that I can visually see how the characters are portrayed. I noticed that a lot of people compare this book to a modern movie or t.v show character. As I continue on in my readings, I will try to seek those connections as well.

  4. As my middle name happens to be Fitzwilliam, I find your absurd comment on the name rather disappointing, but I will let it go this time.

    While watching Pride & Prejudice on the television, it certainly proved to be a classic. I must say that Darcy came off as a huge butt-face. You could really tell that he thought that he was all that and a bag of chips (when really he ain't)! I did find myself admiring him by the end of the story, how he somehow managed to get Elizabeth to love him. He really reminded me of Barney from How I Met Your Mother :^).
