The wretched beast called death claimed the lives of Juliet and Romeo. A love so fierce, that death brought them closer to each other than they were alive. I think that the end of the play shows how crucial communication is. One letter could have changed the entire outcome of this play. The fact that Romeo and Juliet killed themselves shows that their love was way more than a flirtatious fling. There’s no way anyone would voluntarily kill themselves for another person if they didn’t feel in their heart that they loved someone. From the outside looking in, it may seem that they don’t know each other or are being extremely spontaneous, but to them, they are their one true love.
It’s been said that death brings people closer together. As with Nelson Mandela’s death, a service was held where people who hated and loved him came together to celebrate the life he lived and what he stood for. But, while he was alive neither side could get along. It’s sad and confusing that in order to stop the negativity and the feud, people have to die like Romeo and Juliet. We have no idea how long the feud between the Capulet’s and Montague’s has been going on for, but we do know that people have been dying before the death of Romeo and Juliet. So, what about their death is so special?

Rash decisions, love, anger and mixed emotions are all a part of being a hormone raging teenager. I think that it’s impossible to want Romeo and Juliet to have followed their parent’s wishes because neither do teens today. Can anyone honestly say they haven’t disobeyed their parent’s wishes at least once? It’s something that’s bound to happen sooner or later, but for Romeo and Juliet, it just happened to lead to their untimely death even though they had the guidance of an adult figure.
In the show, The Bachelorette, countless men are vying for the affection of one woman. Over 10+ men are all over one woman like white on rice. In the end, she has to choose who she likes the most. Much like Juliet’s case, she has her pick of who she wants. The fight between Romeo and Paris was inevitable because when two alpha males want the same thing, there is only one solution. This play makes Romeo seem like quite the fighter because he never gets injured and is always the one killing people. In the end, Romeo and Juliet get to be together even if they are dead.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that it's strange how death brings people together, while not long ago, these same people were full of hatred. But this goes along with the cliche saying 'You Don't Know What You Have Until It's Gone'. And while this saying has multiple meanings, the main point for this topic is the lack of appreciation for someone or something until it's gone, much like the Montagues and Capulets with Romeo and Juliet, respectively.
Maybe it was the heart-warming feeling of two teenagers in love on top of a parental feud that ended the feud... Or they just simply mourned the death of their child... Either way, great post!
I agree that death is something that brings people together. Such a great example with Nelson Mandela's death bringing two sides of a country together. You are making some valid connections between Romeo and Juliet and the real world.
ReplyDeleteJust think how powerful their love is, their love and death ended a lifelong family feud.