I was super excited to finally read a little bit of the Sherlock Holmes series as I have never had the pleasure of reading Conan's work. Being completely honest, I have to say I didn't dig it too much. I tried so hard to like it because I always thought of Sherlock Holmes as a bad ass detective. While reading A Study in Scarlett, I found part 1 to be fairly interesting, but I found the end to be fairly weak. Maybe I read the end wrong and didn't grasp the awesomness to it, but I wanted the investigation to come together more smoothly. I wish we could just go into the mind of Sherlock during the investigations, then it would make more sense.
I found little joy in part 2. I did like how Holmes credits his discovery of the suspect through "reasoning backwards". I thought it was fun how it came together.
I am very excited for class tomorrow to listen to my classmates' views on these stories so I can grasp more ways of looking at Sherlock Holmes. But as of right now, I'm not sold.
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