As strange as it may be I have a vague
memory of watching Pride and Prejudice at one of the all-girl sleepovers we all
had in elementary school. Why we chose to watch a movie based on a literary
classic at age 10 I have no idea. However, I was eager to watch the movie once
again before tackling the book itself. I have not watched Pride and Prejudice since
the young age of 10 so it was almost as if I was enjoying it for the first
For starters, I would like to share
that I believe Keira Knightley, who played Elizabeth Bennet, is widely talented
and will forever be one of my favorite actresses. In this movie, Elizabeth
Bennet is clearly different from her sisters and most other girls during this
time period. As I said she is one of my favorite actresses because her
characters typically are independent from the society standards set for women. 

In the movie, it clearly shows how
a woman’s lot in life is to marry well and have children as soon as possible. It
is shown that woman who are educated are somewhat superior to those without education.
However, it seemed almost imposable for the average woman to advance far in her
learning as she was pushed to marry and reproduce so quickly. Therefor most
rich men were seeking woman of high breeding and education leaving the common
farmers daughter to marry in her class maintaining the gap between the higher
class and lower class.
I defiantly enjoyed re-watching this
film and realized how much of the plot was way over my 10-year-old mind at the
time. I really enjoyed the conflict through the film between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth
as they attempted to hid their love for each other. I also loved the ending in
this film compared to all of the Romeo and Juliet we have read. The two main
characters in love finally ended up together and alive! I am a pushover for a happily
ever after ending and I finally got it in this film and I’m excited to reach
the happily ever after in the book as well.
So far, based on what I have read, I like Pride and Prejudice. I haven't read any of the different versions, but I have seen some parts of the movie. My sister loves it. I do like that character Elizabeth, she is really the only one who stands out in a good way in my opinion. Not because of her beauty, but because she is independent and smart. Also she isn't one to present herself as a woman who will want to be marriage to any man. After reading some of the chapters in the book, I definitely want to see the movie at some point.
ReplyDeleteI have heard of this book, but I didn't have any background knowledge or experience with Pride and Prejudice. I can say that so far, I enjoy it. Especially the humor and sarcasm. I didn't watch the movie, but I have started watching "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries" and it is so entertaining and similar to the book in many ways. I agree with you how Mr. Darcy and Lizzie tried to hide their love for each other. I honestly saw it coming from the beginning. Lizzie despised Mr. Darcy, but that hatred turned into strong feelings for him. I just don't like how Mrs. Bennet is always pushing her daughters to marry a rich and handsome man. I understand they are not very wealthy, but money shouldn't be the main priority.
ReplyDeleteYeah Kiera Knightly killed it (as usual). I didn't have a prior experience with this book nor movie but I decided to watch the movie before the book and thought it was pretty dang cool. I find the character development of Elizabeth makes it so easy for the viewer to connect with her and truly admire her. Elizabeth was just way more interesting than the others.
ReplyDeleteI think the best thing about this book is that every girl can find themselves in one of the sisters. Maybe that's why i'm enjoying it so much and it's for that exact reason of WOW, I can really relate to this and that. I haven't seen the movie but I really want to, just so that I get a better feel of the era it was in. I really really really hope no one gets the idea of modernizing this book to the 21st century somehow because that will really be stupid. I hate when people try to bring back a classic into a more modern version, like what??
ReplyDeleteWow...not gonna lie, I did not think about the whole rich men marrying high bred women because of the whole women being pushed into marrying and reproducing and therefore not having the time to receive education thing, but not that you've said it, it seriously clicks. My mind universe just expanded.
ReplyDeleteAnd Keira Knightly is always fabulous in any role, but the movie she was in is so different from the novel, but it makes sense though, since it's a movie adaptation, when to do the novel justice, a T.V series is a better fit. Either way, I prefer Colin Firth's Darcy. I wonder what it would be like to have Colin Firth and Keira Knightly acting together?