Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Very Surprised

I have never read nor seen Pride and Prejudice and I must say I am really enjoying it. Jane Austen is such a feminist that it's almost comforting in a way. I say that because every woman goes through struggles and learning enormous amounts of information that it's nice to read a book where every woman is really set in their personality. The fact that there are so many characters to remember is a little annoying at times because I get confused with all the who likes who and why. However watching the Lizzy Bennet Diaries at the same pace as where I am in the book, really helps put a face to the characters. Being that I am such a firm believer in female empowerment, I can't help but relate to Lizzy on such a personal level. She doesn't settle for other peoples opinions and she really is doing things that benefit her and not so much for the acceptance of what a man wants in a woman. I don't know, Lizzy is pretty much the asshole in most cases for being so headstrong and honest. To me i'd much rather be an asshole that is honest with people than to just "fit in". Of course she says things from a good place and not just to hurt peoples feelings. I must say i'm pretty excited to read the rest of the book. Usually I try to find so many alternatives so that I don't have to read the entire book, but this is a lot more fun to read knowing that it's from one of the sisters perspective. What better person to hear ALL the details from than your sibling?


  1. Great post. I also have never read Pride and Prejudice until this class and I am enjoying it too! I also saw Jane Austen as a feminist and I can relate to Lizzy as she fights the social standards set for her by society. This is a great read!

  2. It is a really interesting view of having so much female empowerment, especially in a time period where women weren't respected very much. It is very refreshing to see that!

  3. This is my first time encountering this book as well. I think out of all our novels, pride and prejudice is by far the best. Giving Elizabeth a personality not only adds more depth but allows a better connection to the reader. This book really tries to break boundaries on such a patriarchal society.
