Friday, May 12, 2017

2/27 The Speckled Band, Final Problem, CAM, and Dancing Men

So my favorite story of this collection is absolutely The Speckled Band. This isn't the first time I've read it, but it's been over a decade since I did that I could only remember that there was a monkey involved (my memory is fantastic sarcasm). There were various things that I liked. For one, raise of hands, who loved the fact that Sherlock straight up bent a piece of iron back into it's perfect position.
Borderline Super Soldier that man is.

But also, what the heck is up with the uncle keeping a monkey and cheetah on his lawn? Who does that?
I would have been seriously surprised if it turned out that it wasn't the uncle who killed the sister. Not only does he have insane anger issues
but practically all his actions are suspicious. He might as well have had a glowing neon sign above his head saying, "It's me! I'm the killer!!!!"

Something else that I just remembered is my heart beating really fast when Sherlock and Watson heard the growling. When I first read it, I thought is was a demon or something (me and my brain, round of applause), but it just turns out to be the monkey riding the cheetah. lolololol
Anyways, 10/10 would read again. Sucks about the wife and husband dying before Sherlock could get to them in Dancing Men. sad face

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